Water accumulating in manholes along the track can cause costly downtime. Rodents and vibration affect sensitive equipment that may cause fatal accidents. Each year, fire causes damage worth millions of pounds. These are some of the challenges in the rail industry that call for best practices concerning cable retention and sealing. Even if no actual lasting damage occurs, the repairs will lead to downtime and project delays.
Application areas for Roxtec seals
Roxtec sealing solutions for cable, pipe and conduit penetrations are watertight to withstand climate change. The seals provide cable retention according to EN61373 to protect against vibration in exposed application areas such as overhead decks. They form a strong rodent barrier and have certificates and test results proving excellent fire protection. Click to the right to see that Roxtec BS, EN, LUL and NR compliant seals are perfect for use in many different railway applications, such as traction power, trackside equipment, tunnels, bridges and railway stations.
Explore where you can benefit from Roxtec seals
Ticking all boxes
General protection
Fire protection and electrical safety
Mechanical protection
In the forefront
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