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  3. Roxtec S EMC transit

Roxtec S EMC transit

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Transit for EMC, attached by welding.

The Roxtec S EMC is a multi-cable and pipe transit ensuring electromagnetic compatibility. It is available in different materials and with a single or various combinations of openings. The transit frame is produced in 10mm thick metal and is attached to the structure by welding. There is a choice between Roxtec ES modules for electromagnetic shielding and PE modules that protect against conducted disturbances. The modules adapt to a variety of cable sizes. Roxtec EC (electrical continuity) test sticks are available to help indicate the electrical performance of the transit installation.

  • Easy to maintain and inspect
  • Provides built-in spare capacity

Product characteristics

  • fire rated.svg
    Fire rated
  • watertight.svg
  • gas-tight.svg
  • ip-ul nema.svg
  • emi protection.svg
    EMI protection

Ratings & certificates

Certificates are continuously added, renewed and replaced, please visit regularly to ensure compliance.


  • A-CLASS according to IMO 2010 FTP Code
  • H-CLASS according to IMO 2010 FTP Code + HC fire load curve


  • Gas: 2.5 bar (catastrophic)
  • Water: 4 bar (catastrophic)
  • IP 66/67 according to IEC 60529


  • Electromagnetic shielding
  • Potential equalization

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