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  3. 3D CAD libraries
  4. CADMATIC 3D Plant & CADMATIC Outfitting

Roxtec seals in CADMATIC

Simplify your cable and pipe transit design.

Roxtec seals in CADMATIC

To make the cable and pipe transit design process easier for you, we now offer a 3D CAD library for the database-based design CAD software CADMATIC 3D Plant & CADMATIC Outfitting.

With the Roxtec 3D CAD library for CADMATIC 3D Plant & CADMATIC Outfitting, you can select and integrate Roxtec sealing solutions for cable and pipe penetrations in your design including all necessary data for further processing. Using this integration enables engineering features that simplify your design work.

  • Optimize your design output
  • Save time and deliver quality
  • Meet all documentation needs


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