1. Tuotteet
  2. Ratkaisut
  3. Roxtec S Ex ‑läpivienti

Roxtec S Ex ‑läpivienti

Sivun tulostuspainikkeella saat optimaalisen tulostusasettelun.

Ex-luokiteltu läpivienti rakenteeseen hitsaamista varten.

Roxtec S Ex on usean kaapeli ja putken läpivienti, joka on sertifioitu Ex e- ja Ex tb -ympäristöihin asennettavaksi. The transit frame is available in different materials and with a single or various combinations of openings. Kehys on valmistettu 10 mm paksusta metallista ja se on kiinnitetty rakenteeseen hitsaamalla. Roxtec Ex -tiivistysmoduulit sopivat erikokoisiin kaapeleihin ja putkiin ja niitä voi käyttää lisäkapasiteetin rakentamiseen tiivisteeseen.

  • Helppo ylläpitää ja tarkistaa
  • Sisäänrakennettu lisäkapasiteetti

Tuotteen ominaisuudet

  • fire rated.svg
  • watertight.svg
  • gas-tight.svg
  • ip-ul nema.svg
  • ex rated.svg
  • emi protection.svg
  • electrical saftey.svg

Luokitukset ja sertifioinnit

Uusia sertifikaatteja tulee jatkuvasti ja vanhoja uusitaan ja päivitetään, joten tarkista tilanne säännöllisesti, jotta vaatimukset varmasti täyttyvät.


  • A-luokka IMO 2010 ‑standardin palokoekoodin (IMO 2010 FTP Code) mukaan
  • H-CLASS IMO 2010 FTP Code + -hiilivetypalon kuormituskäyrän mukaan


  • Kaasutiiviys: 2,5 bar (katastrofi)
  • Vesitiiviys: 4 bar (katastrofi)
  • IP 66/67


  • Potentiaalintasaus ja maadoitus
  • Sähkömagneettinen suojaus
  • Potentiaalintasaus
  • Ex-luokiteltu

Toimialallesi sopivat tiivisteet

Tutustu lukuisiin käyttökohteisiin, joissa ratkaisuistamme voi olla hyötyä.

Valmiiksi määritetyt läpivientisarjat

S 6x1/18 Ex PRIMED

  • Kokoonpano 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 7,0
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x1/19 Ex PRIMED

  • Kokoonpano 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    3 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    2 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 11,2
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x1/26 Ex PRIMED

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 7,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/36 Ex PRIMED

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 12,9
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/38 Ex PRIMED

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    4 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 21,3
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/52 Ex PRIMED

  • Kokoonpano 24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    12 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 13,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/54 Ex PRIMED

  • Kokoonpano 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 18,8
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/57 Ex PRIMED

  • Kokoonpano 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    9 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 31,4
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/78 Ex PRIMED

  • Kokoonpano 36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    18 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 19,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x1/18 Ex AISI 316

  • Kokoonpano 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 7,0
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x1/19 Ex AISI 316

  • Kokoonpano 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    3 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    2 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 7,0
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x1/26 Ex AISI 316

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 7,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/36 Ex AISI 316

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 12,9
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/38 Ex AISI 316

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    4 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 12,9
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/52 Ex AISI 316

  • Kokoonpano 24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    12 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 13,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/54 Ex AISI 316

  • Kokoonpano 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 18,8
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/57 Ex AISI 316

  • Kokoonpano 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    9 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 18,8
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/78 Ex AISI 316

  • Kokoonpano 36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    18 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 19,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x1/18 BG B Ex Primed

  • Kokoonpano 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 7,0
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x1/19 BG B Ex Primed

  • Kokoonpano 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    3 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    2 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 7,0
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x1/26 BG B Ex Primed

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 7,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/36 BG B Ex Primed

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 12,9
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/38 BG B Ex Primed

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    4 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 12,9
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/52 BG B Ex Primed

  • Kokoonpano 24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    12 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 13,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/54 BG B Ex Primed

  • Kokoonpano 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 18,8
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/57 BG B Ex Primed

  • Kokoonpano 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    9 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 18,8
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/78 BG B Ex Primed

  • Kokoonpano 36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    18 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 19,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x1/18 BG B Ex AISI316

  • Kokoonpano 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 7,0
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x1/19 BG B Ex AISI316

  • Kokoonpano 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    3 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    2 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 7,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x1/26 BG B Ex AISI316

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 141 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 7,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/36 BG B Ex AISI316

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 12,9
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/38 BG B Ex AISI316

  • Kokoonpano 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    4 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 13,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x2/52 BG B Ex AISI316

  • Kokoonpano 24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    12 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 271 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 13,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/54 BG B Ex AISI316

  • Kokoonpano 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 18,8
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/57 BG B Ex AISI316

  • Kokoonpano 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    9 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
    6 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 19,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?

S 6x3/78 BG B Ex AISI316

  • Kokoonpano 36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
    24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
    18 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
  • Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) 402 x 238 x 60
  • Aukon mitat L x K (mm) 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1)
  • Paino (kg) 19,1
Poistetaanko ostoskorista?
Otsikko Kokoonpano Ulkomitat K x L x S (mm) Aukon mitat L x K (mm) Paino (kg)
S 6x1/18 Ex PRIMED 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 7,0
S 6x1/19 Ex PRIMED 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
3 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
2 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 11,2
S 6x1/26 Ex PRIMED 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 7,1
S 6x2/36 Ex PRIMED 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 12,9
S 6x2/38 Ex PRIMED 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
4 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 21,3
S 6x2/52 Ex PRIMED 24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
12 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 13,1
S 6x3/54 Ex PRIMED 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 18,8
S 6x3/57 Ex PRIMED 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
9 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 31,4
S 6x3/78 Ex PRIMED 36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
18 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 19,1
S 6x1/18 Ex AISI 316 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 7,0
S 6x1/19 Ex AISI 316 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
3 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
2 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 7,0
S 6x1/26 Ex AISI 316 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 7,1
S 6x2/36 Ex AISI 316 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 12,9
S 6x2/38 Ex AISI 316 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
4 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 12,9
S 6x2/52 Ex AISI 316 24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
12 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 13,1
S 6x3/54 Ex AISI 316 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 18,8
S 6x3/57 Ex AISI 316 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
9 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 18,8
S 6x3/78 Ex AISI 316 36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
18 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 19,1
S 6x1/18 BG B Ex Primed 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 7,0
S 6x1/19 BG B Ex Primed 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
3 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
2 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 7,0
S 6x1/26 BG B Ex Primed 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 7,1
S 6x2/36 BG B Ex Primed 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 12,9
S 6x2/38 BG B Ex Primed 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
4 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 12,9
S 6x2/52 BG B Ex Primed 24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
12 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 13,1
S 6x3/54 BG B Ex Primed 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 18,8
S 6x3/57 BG B Ex Primed 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
9 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 18,8
S 6x3/78 BG B Ex Primed 36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
18 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 19,1
S 6x1/18 BG B Ex AISI316 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 7,0
S 6x1/19 BG B Ex AISI316 6 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
3 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
2 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 7,1
S 6x1/26 BG B Ex AISI316 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
8 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
141 x 238 x 60 143(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 7,1
S 6x2/36 BG B Ex AISI316 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 12,9
S 6x2/38 BG B Ex AISI316 12 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
4 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 13,1
S 6x2/52 BG B Ex AISI316 24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
16 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
12 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
271 x 238 x 60 273(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 13,1
S 6x3/54 BG B Ex AISI316 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+9.5-32.5mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 18,8
S 6x3/57 BG B Ex AISI316 18 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
9 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
6 x cables/pipes 0+28-54mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 19,1
S 6x3/78 BG B Ex AISI316 36 x cables/pipes diameter 0+3.5-16.5mm
24 x cables/pipes diameter 0+10-25mm
18 x cables/pipes 0+9.5-32.5mm
402 x 238 x 60 404(+1/-2) x 240(+1/-1) 19,1