1. Productos
  2. Componentes del sistema
  3. Marcos rectangulares
  4. Roxtec CF 16 BG™ frame

Roxtec CF 16 BG™ frame

The Roxtec CF 16 BG™ is a low profile metal frame for use in BG applications. The frame is in in stainless steel AISI 304. It is used with adaptable sealing modules to ensure electrical conductivity.

  • Attachment by bolting
  • Available in kits
  • Available in stainless steel AISI 304
  • Allows use of pre-terminated cables

CF 16 frame in stainless steel

Acero inoxidable
Título Aperturas de marcos Espacio útil de sellado (mm) Dimensiones externas AnxAlxD (mm) Dimensiones de abertura AnxAl (mm) Peso (kg) N.º de art.

CF 16 BG AISI304


40 x 160

93 x 234 x 42

71(+1/-1) x 187(+2/-0.5)
