1. Products
  2. Solutions
  3. Roxtec KFO transit

Roxtec KFO transit

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Area efficient light-weight transit.

The Roxtec KFO transit has a light-weight composite frame suitable for constructions where it is important to keep weight down to a minimum. The frame is openable and can be installed around already routed cables. The sealing modules are adaptable to cables and pipes of different sizes and can be used to build in spare capacity in the transit. 

  • Light-weight
  • Area efficient
  • Perfect for retrofit
  • Quick and easy to install
  • Allows pre-terminated cables

Product characteristics

  • ip-ul nema.svg

Ratings & certificates

Certificates are continuously added, renewed and replaced, please visit regularly to ensure compliance.


  • N/A


  • IP 66/67 according to IEC 60529


Structure of installation

  • cabinet.svg
    Cabinets & enclosures

Installation instructions

Seals for your industry

Explore the multitude of applications where you can benefit from our solutions.

Sealing component data

Here you find technical information about each specific part of our system.

Rectangular frames

Sealing components

Configure your own transit kit

Select your set of sealing modules