The Roxtec sealing system for cables, conduits and pipes is used all over Belgium in traction power substations, cable trenches, railway stations, tunnels, shelters and cabinets along the tracks. The seals are fire rated and can shield an area against smoke, gas, water ingress, humidity and dust while assuring protection from rodents, vibration, cable pull and also current surge.
Preventing accidents and downtime from rodent intrusion
"When rats bite, communication is broken and travelers cannot buy tickets anymore. In France, the rats ate copper cable and two trains collided," says engineer Wouter Vandenburie of Infrabel, railway operator in Belgium.
Signaling shelters are replaced by new ones according to the European Train Control System (ETCS). With Roxtec solutions, equipment is also protected against electromagnetic interference and vibration.
In France, the rats ate copper cable and two trains collided.
Pre-assembled shelters and cabinets
Rittal Belgium supplies shelters and cabinets to Infrabel already equipped with Roxtec seals. The seals adapt to cables of different sizes and provide spare capacity. General Manager Koen Wolfcarius says:
"By offering Roxtec, you keep the flexibility for the last phase of the engineering. Roxtec seals also give perfect protection against environmental influences."
Meeting the needs of modern railways
Roxtec seals meet safety requirements for flammability, smoke emission and toxicity for rail and service tunnels as well as for railway stations. The seals can be installed around existing cables without disrupting operations – making it easy to ensure efficiency and operational reliability in both new construction and retrofit projects. The Roxtec system saves time at each stage of the project process and further during maintenance and expansion, since spare capacity to add new cables is built in from the start.
Why use Roxtec?
- Certified and engineered solutions
- Watertight
- Fire rated and non-toxic smoke
- Gas- and air-tight
- Corrosion and pest resistant
- Lowest total cost of ownership
Learn more about our sealing solutions for rail infrastructure.
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Hundreds of signaling shelters are replaced by new ones according to the European Train Control System (ETCS).

Roxtec seals form a barrier against pests and rodents and provide protection against electromagnetic interference and vibration.