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  3. Roxtec SF EMC transit

Roxtec SF EMC transit

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Transit for EMC with metal frame and flange for welding.

The Roxtec SF EMC is a cable and pipe transit ensuring electromagnetic compatibility. The transit frame is available in different materials and with a single or various combinations of openings. The frame is produced in 10mm thick metal and has a flange to simplify welding to imprecise holes. There is a choice between Roxtec ES modules for electromagnetic shielding and PE modules that protect against conducted disturbances. The modules adapt to cables and pipes of different sizes and can be used to build in spare capacity in the seal. Roxtec EC (electrical continuity) test sticks are available to help indicate the electrical performance of the transit installation.

  • Easy to maintain and inspect
  • Provides built-in spare capacity

Product characteristics

  • fire rated.svg
    Fire rated
  • watertight.svg
  • gas-tight.svg
  • ip-ul nema.svg
  • emi protection.svg
    EMI protection

Ratings & certificates

Certificates are continuously added, renewed and replaced, please visit regularly to ensure compliance.


  • A-CLASS according to IMO 2010 FTP Code
  • H-CLASS according to IMO 2010 FTP Code + HC fire load curve
  • Jet fire according to ISO 22899-1 and OTI 95634


  • Gas: 2.5 bar (catastrophic)
  • Water: 4 bar (catastrophic)
  • IP 66/67 according to IEC 60529


  • Electromagnetic shielding
  • Potential equalization

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