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Roxtec Transit Designer™ is your shortcut to safety and efficiency.
This free, web-based application simplifies product selection as well as the entire process that surrounds cable and pipe transits.
Learn more and sign upWe are ready to assist you in your safety work and solve your sealing problem, wherever you operate.
Contact your nearest Roxtec office for guidance through design challenges or for questions regarding installation quality.
Call: +61 2 9708 0055
Email: info@roxtec.com.au
Use our step-by-step guide to get the seal you need.
Roxtec sealing solutions are tested and certified by all major classification societies and certifying authorities.
Use Roxtec EMC sealing solutions to ensure first class protection against EMI, electromagnetic interference, and EMP, electromagnetic pulses.
Do you want to save engineering hours, cut lead times, and enable quick and safe field installations of cable and pipe seals? We recommend you start using Roxtec sealing kits.