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  3. Data centers USA

The perfect entry seal for data centers

The perfect entry seal for data centers

Due to the ever-changing data center environment Roxtec seals were installed on several centers built for a multinational technology company throughout the USA.

With service continuity as a top priority, the company selected Roxtec as sealing solution. Roxtec seals would both protect their equipment and provide flexibility for continued growth. Site superintendents, project managers and installers of contractors Structure Tone, IES and Hunt Electric also consider Roxtec a best-fit solution for the industry. Jim Wagner, senior project manager at Hunt Electric:

"Roxtec is a great product, the best I have seen in the market based on flexibility."

Future capacity included

The HVAC systems, power equipment and communications equipment must be updated continuously. Our openable and adaptable seals make it possible to leave room for future capacity. You can easily make changes and upgrades without cutting a new hole. This allows for a dustless re-entry into your contained sensitive environment.

Roxtec offers a long-term partnership to protect your data centers and server halls against multiple risks such as fire, flooding and air leakage.

Unbeatable protection

Roxtec provided sealing solutions for both exterior and interior penetrations keeping water and fire from causing damage and downtime all while providing airtightness and increasing the efficiency of the data center.

Contractor approved

Roxtec seals are easy to install, adapt and reseal. Ross Catlett of IES states:

"It is significantly easier to install Roxtec than using solutions like foam and the bags that you have to pack and fill in."

After participating in Roxtec's training and becoming an approved installer he can now train new employees as they come onsite or continue on to future projects.

Once they choose and install Roxtec, they are not going to want anything else.
Ross Catlett, IES

Why use Roxtec?

  • Watertight firestop
  • Air-flow management
  • Easy to use and install
  • Flexibility for changes
  • Built-in spare capacity
  • Dustless re-entry

Project facts

Project description

Construction of data center in multiple locations in the USA


Multinational technology company


Structure Tone, IES, and Hunt Electric


Walls, trenches and cable trays

Sealing requirements

Fire-proof, watertight and air-tight