Do you need help with the Roxtec Transit Designer™? We have gathered all the resources you need to become a most successful user.
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Roxtec Transit Designer™ is your shortcut to safety and efficiency.
This free, web-based application simplifies product selection as well as the entire process that surrounds cable and pipe transits.
Learn more and sign upWe are ready to assist you in your safety work and solve your sealing problem, wherever you operate.
Contact your nearest Roxtec office for guidance through design challenges or for questions regarding installation quality.
Call: +971 4 883 9655
Fax: +971 4 883 9654
Even experts can learn more.
Do you need help with the Roxtec Transit Designer™? We have gathered all the resources you need to become a most successful user.
Yes, to be able to offer our customers superior service and support, the software only comes bundled with online support and immediate updates. This allows us to serve you much faster.
Only the creator of the project can see and edit it. The creator (owner) can however choose to share the project with someone. The owner can also set up if this sharing should be read-only or full access. The sharing is managed in the project settings.
The information is stored and backed up in our data centers for as long as your account is active. You can easily make your own back-ups of the complete project at the "choose project" screen.
The data and traffic in Transit Designer is encrypted. All data is stored in a secure datacenter. The data is strictly tied to the account owner.
Roxtec Transit Designer™ always tries to optimize your solution to be as space efficient as possible by choosing the smallest module possible for your cables/pipes.
When creating a project you can enable the "Keep audit log" feature. This will create a log book that will log any activites in the project with date, time and person.