1. Products
  2. Solutions
  3. Roxtec B transit

Roxtec B transit

Transit with a flexible frame enabling combinations.

The Roxtec B transit consists of individual short sides and long sides that are bolted together on-site in the desired combination size and then casted into the structure. Either for retro-fit around existing cables or pipes or as preparation for future needs.

  • Perfect for retrofit

Product characteristics

  • fire rated.svg
    Fire rated
  • ip-ul nema.svg

Ratings & certificates

Certificates are continuously added, renewed and replaced, please visit regularly to ensure compliance.


  • E/EI rating according to EN 13501
  • F/T rating according to UL 1479


  • IP 54

Seals for your industry

Explore the multitude of applications where you can benefit from our solutions.

Sealing component data

Here you find technical information about each specific part of our system.


Rectangular frames

Sealing components

Configure your own transit kit

Select your set of sealing modules