Our flexible system is used in projects worldwide to protect life and assets and to ensure safety and operational reliability.
From garage company…
Roxtec was founded in 1990 by Mikael Blomqvist in his residential garage in Karlskrona, Sweden. Thanks to the invention of Multidiameter™, a solution that improved the process of sealing cable and pipe penetrations, our company experienced an impressive growth. We maintained our entrepreneurial spirit, our customer focus and our strong Roxtec Core Values.
… to global market leader
Today, we provide complete sealing solutions for a wide range of applications in many industries. Roxtec safety seals are found on land, at sea and underground. Our co-operation with customers creates excellent conditions for continuous development. The teamwork enables us to tailor new solutions – and stimulates us to keep on exploring new markets.
Facts & figures
By Mikael Blomqvist in Sweden in 1990
Karlskrona, Sweden
Privately owned by Mellby Gård Holding AB
Magnus Holmberg
Chairman of the Board
Hans Stråberg
Sales in fiscal year 2024
3643 MSEK
Multidiameter™ and the Roxtec sealing system
Registered product certificates
More than 300
Registered tests and approvals
More than 500
Local presence worldwide
Customers in more than 80 markets
Sales companies
SS-EN ISO 14001:2015 and SS-EN ISO 9001:2015
Registration number
Average number of employees, fiscal year 2024